Version 1
Issue Date: October 10, 2023

Dover Fueling Solutions

ProGauge MagLink LX ATG with CSLD
(924B and DMP Magnetostrictive Probes)

(Continuous Automatic Tank Gauging)

Certification Single tanks - Leak rate of 0.2 gph with PD = 99.42% and PFA =0.58%
Manifold tanks - Leak rate of 0.2 gph with PD = 98.555% and PFA=1.445%.
Leak Threshold

 Tank category                    Threshold      PFA       PD (at 0.2 gal/hr)
 Single                               0.1 gal/hr      0.58%    99.42%                                       
 Manifolded                        0.1 gal/hr      1.445%  98.555%


Gasoline, diesel, aviation fuel, fuel oil #4, solvents and biodiesel blends B6-B20 meeting ASTM D7467, biodiesel B100 meeting ASTM D6751 and other liquids with known coefficients of expansion and density may be tested after consultation with the manufacturer. Ethanol and ethanol-gasoline blends.

Tank Capacity Maximum of 25,215 gallons for the leak thresholds shown above.
Maximum tank capacity listed is for single tanks and up to 4 tanks manifolded together.
The minimum product level required to test is 14% full.
Throughput Monthly maximum of 351,190 gallons for leak thresholds shown above.
Waiting Time None. The algorithm tests the data for stability and discards those collected before the tank is stable.
Test Period Data collection can range up to 31 days. The minimum number of days to make a leak rate estimate is 8 days, with a maximum of 31 days in which to acquire it. The more qualified test time available the higher confidence the leak rate estimate.
Data sampling frequency is at least once per minute.
Temperature Average for product is determined by a probe with 5 thermistors.
Water Sensor

The minimum water level (threshold) in the tank that the CITLDS can detect is 1.016 inches with a 924B probe and 0.681 inch with a DMP probe. The minimum change in water level that can be detected by the CITLDS is 0.0098 inch with a 924B probe or DMP probe.

Calibration Probe must be checked and, if necessary, calibrated in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.
Comments System reports a result of "pass" or "fail."
Evaluated using both single and manifolded tank systems with probes in each tank.
For valid monthly testing, a conclusive test report must be produced for each tank every month.
System warns operator if there are no "passing" tests completed during the month.
Constant and variable leaks were mathematically induced into tight tank test records which were collected by systems installed at various active tank sites.
The database for evaluation of the system included sites with vapor recovery and blending dispensers.
Tanks used in this evaluation contained gasoline and diesel.


Dover Fueling Solutions

Evaluator: Ken Wilcox Associates

3814 Jarrett Way

Tel:  (816) 443-2494

Austin, TX 78778

Date of Evaluation: 09/26/2023

Tel:  (708) 485-4200






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